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البوم | Owls

طائر البوم :

يصنف البوم من الطيور الجوارح و الذي ينشط ليلا حيث يعد في بعض الثقافات رمز " للحكمة " ويوجد منه حوالي 200 نوع حول العالم ضمن فئتين اثنتين هما : البوم العادي وبوم الحظيرة .

يمتلك 3 جفون لحماية عيناه الواسعتان ويمتلك حاسة بصر قوية ويختلف لونه بحسب البيئة المحيطة ولدية روتين يومي حيث يبدأ نهاره بتنظيف ريشه ومخالبه وينتظر الليل .

وله قدرة على الإستدارة برأسه 270 درجة وهو محب للعزلة ويتغذى على الأسماك والفئران والأرانب ويتمتع بريش ناعم مما يوفر له طيران هادئ وصامت.

Bird Owls:

The owls of birds of the birds, which are active at night, where in some cultures is considered a symbol of "wisdom", and there are about 200 species around the world in two categories: ordinary owls and barn owls.

He has 3 eyelids to protect his wide eyes and has a strong sense of sight and varies color according to the surrounding environment and has a daily routine where he begins his day by cleaning his feathers and claws and waiting for the night.

He has the ability to turn his head 270 degrees and is a lover of solitude, fed on fish, mice and rabbits and has soft feathers, which provides him with a quiet and silent flight.
Owl, Snow, Snow Owl, Bird, Eyes, Yellow
Owl, Camouflage, Wildlife, Bird Of Prey 
Barn Owl, Bird, Owl, Nature, Wildlife
European Eagle Owl, Owl, Bird Of Prey
Eagle Owl, Raptor, Falconry, Owl

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